Ashley Monroe
Ashley Monroe, a singer-songwriter of country music hailing from the US. She released two singles in 2007 and a full album called Satisfied. 2013 was the year she launched her second album, Like a Rose. Ashley Monroe singing with Blake Shelton in the year the year 2015. She released The Blade, an album that brought her fame. Ashley Monroe has been in public service for over fifteen years and has spent five years serving as the city's deputy manager in Iowa City. The current duties of the Assistant Village Manager include management of the Community Development and Building Department in coordinating grant applications and working on special tasks. The role of Ashley as Riverside's Assistant Village Manager is to support in the day-to-day operations of village services and implement the strategic vision set forth by elected officials. Ashley's previous roles include the budgeting and planning of government communications, staff management and collective negotiation. Ashley is also passionate about climate change. Ashley gained valuable insight from the work she did with national organizations as well as work in different communities. Ashley's lectures focus on the current approach to leadership and management in public organizations from an experienced practitioner. She is focused on adjusting ethical and strategic decisions in order to address today's challenges and issues, as well as deal with intergovernmental interactions.
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